Monday, 19 November 2007

You Either Take The Plunge By Being A Pace Setter Or Remain Afraid And Be A Mediocre

You must understand that Rome was not built in a day. The architects who designed and built the empire of success began in the drawing room, in the amphitheatre where they defended their beliefs and convictions to win their opponents and detractors over.

You must take the plunge and step out on to the pavement of life, take the plunge by being a pace setter instead of remaining afraid and being a mediocre. Mediocrity and fear originate from the belief that it is not possible to break out of the mould of yesterday to venture into the future.

You must rise out of your comfort zone to break the hurdle and barrier of fear and stagnation.

Just imagine...... if those who built the world wide web allowed yesterday to hold them down, there would be no way of getting this message across to you directly to challenge you to rise up and become all that you have yearned to become!

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Have A Little Patience On The Way To Where You Are Going

In your journey to creating wealth, you may feel disappointed that you are not moving as fast as you would like to or as quickly as you ought to.

I have learnt not to over-do things or to run ahead of my better judgement. Having a little patience would ensure that you have time to review your goals, reflect on the actions you want to take and have time to manoeuvre before committing yourself fully . The "last opportunity deals" which you think would elude you if you don't act immediately are merely sale gimmicks.

Having a little patience could save you time and money in the hundreds and even thousands! don't judge your progress in life by Mr Jones next door who may be putting up a performance or act for your benefit!.

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Every Little Step Counts

No matter how small each step I take in life is , these steps collectively have enabled me get closer to my goals of financial freedom. These little steps are subjective and relative- to one person it might be insignificant whilst to another it might be major or of great importance.

So my advise is that if you need to save that extra dollar/pound, invest in property/real estate or take a course in Internet marketing or public speaking please do so as you never know... where these little steps would take you.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Critics Are Short Sighted About Your Destiny

You are the only one who can stop yourself from reaching the top of the ladder. Granted your teachers told you that you can't make it but you have come a long way since then. Just take a good look at yourself, with sheer determination and faith, you would arrive at your desired destination.

The critics would have their say, but they can't stop your dreams from coming to past. Your family, friends and foes may not believe that you have the grit to go all the way.... but just wait until they see you shine.

...... Remember, the critics are short sighted as they only see dimly through a darkened mirror/glass about what they believe you might become, but your destiny is not in their hands.

Go to sleep on this- that even though the critics perceive you from their own limited perceptive , you know that a step a day is worth it takes... to arrive at your destination.

Monday, 17 September 2007

success takes a day at a time

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, I have often wondered why I have failed to achieve all that I have set out to achieve! it then struck me that i should take a day at a time.

If i must succeed at all, i must do what the Romans did in the old days- a day at a time to build up my wealth.

What do you aspire to achieve?, take a day at a time and you would reach your destination.

Overcoming adversity is......staying in the ring to finish the bout, never falling on the count but remaining strong to survive the last count. just like me.. i know you too would succeed, it just takes a day at a time.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

overcoming life's challenges

Today is a new day which brings new challenges but I believe that we all have an inner strength within us that makes us cope with what life throws at us during the day. It does not matter how we start the day but how we utilise the hours in the day so that when we lay our heads on our beds at night we can truly say, I won the day.

You may want to check the website of Mark Douglass out on this subject which is, where he made reference to a useful link of which I have visited and has provided me with greater insight on this subject.