Sunday, 14 September 2008

Avoid Procrastination

The idea of putting things over to the next day is very appealing, however we then find out that tomorrow never comes because we often find ourselves putting things over again to the following day. To be a creator of wealth you cannot afford to procrastinate as delaying can cost you dearly.

The hardest part is starting what you have promised yourself you would do; the best way to overcome this challenge is to schedule goals with a set timescale so that you have no choice but to complete the goal. You must pursue your goals, dreams and visions immediately despite the opposition that may come against you as God will always give you the victory in the end.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Have The Mindset Of The Wealthy

You must think like the wealthy if you want to have what they have and be where they are; having a poverty mindset will only draw you back to where you are coming from.

Start to act, think and behave like the wealthy to prepare yourself for the next level.

Lift you head high, walk straight and remain focused on where you want to reach this year and it will only be a matter of time...

Don't settle for second best as you take hold of what is in store for you. You cannot afford to do nothing, sit back and fold your hands and expect to become wealthy.

To see a change, you must act differently